Lately I “got” something about
Arabs. I used to wonder why older Arabs hadn’t matured, as I had. I’ve left
childhood behind.
As a teenage soldier, a minor, I understood my regiment was divided into far flung battalions. I
knew my battalion was the very best; I knew the next best battalion in the whole
armed forces was our sister battalion, a battalion I had never seen, off in
another province. That battalion almost as good as mine, but not quite… You
don’t have to tell me I sound like that Boston bomber in his 20’s who thought Muslim nations overseas are better and more important than all other nations in
the whole world, better than even his own nation, the U.S. The difference between
us two is my own youthful beliefs didn’t have grave consequences…
As a young soldier I was knew that if, say, I left my army cap on the counter and someone from a different regiment spit on our special regimental cap badge, well, I was supposed to just yell and charge, swinging my fists. You don’t have to tell me I sound like an Arab being super-sensitive about insults to symbols. The difference is that even as an eager recruit I didn’t believe in committing murder over a symbol…
As a young soldier I was knew that if, say, I left my army cap on the counter and someone from a different regiment spit on our special regimental cap badge, well, I was supposed to just yell and charge, swinging my fists. You don’t have to tell me I sound like an Arab being super-sensitive about insults to symbols. The difference is that even as an eager recruit I didn’t believe in committing murder over a symbol…
Did you know that in my province,
Alberta, old and young veterans are allowed special vehicle license plates to proclaim
our service? The plates show a red poppy, the memorial flower of Flanders Fields
of the Great War. (Great as in Great depression, Humpty’s Great fall, and the
Great flood of ‘13) If you go a small town cafe, where some of the cars outside
show a poppy, you may see some middle aged men like me, with our chests too
large to fit into our old uniforms. Down in the warmer U.S. we might be out on the
porch of the general store, whittling wood and helping ourselves to the cracker
barrel. In our autumn years, on both sides of the border, no longer active in
NATO and NORAD, we are mature and deliberate citizens.
If, at the café table or cracker barrel, I were to “put down” and disparage other parts of the armed forces, such as the navy or a certain rival east coast regiment, then from the other mature men I would receive puzzled looks. In the eyes of good citizens, all of our armed forces are valued as tools at our disposal. In other words, cannons and navy SEALS are not “more better” than tanks and telephone linemen. From the other older men, if I offered to fist fight for the honour of symbols, I would receive looks of contempt. So, then, what’s wrong with older Arabs?
If, at the café table or cracker barrel, I were to “put down” and disparage other parts of the armed forces, such as the navy or a certain rival east coast regiment, then from the other mature men I would receive puzzled looks. In the eyes of good citizens, all of our armed forces are valued as tools at our disposal. In other words, cannons and navy SEALS are not “more better” than tanks and telephone linemen. From the other older men, if I offered to fist fight for the honour of symbols, I would receive looks of contempt. So, then, what’s wrong with older Arabs?
I know now. I found out from the
various June 2009 postings of Steven Pressfield (link) where he interpreted
Afghanistan, saying the Arabs are tribal. Pressfield is clear and emphatic: The
tribal mindset does exist, it’s not going away, and we need to deal with it. In
other words, let’s not blindly impose our western values on Afghanistan, not if
we expect the little tribes to fight a bigger tribe called the Taliban. Unfortunately,
even with a war on, it is hard for we at home, inheriting our culture of the
Greek democracies where everyone is equal, where the individual is more
important than the state, to grasp at our gut level that tribal culture is different. Actually, even the Greeks,
before they invented democracy, were tribal: Such is the default for every
early human culture.
It’s hard for us to grasp that not
all nations are equally the same. Probably if we ever do “get it,” it’s only when
we are motivated to learn because of war or business. For example, at the risk
of being culturist or sexist, a businessperson who hopes to make a profit must
accept that wives in Asia like their shampoo black, as they think it makes
their hair glossier, and that wives in America like their dish soap—er, I mean
detergent—to have bubbles. When detergent first came out, housewives stood at
the sink and said, “There’s no foam, there’s no suds—how can it clean?” And so
bubbles were artificially added. I remember this whenever I see a little creek
with little bubbles floating by.
And what of wives in Arabia? Specifically, the smart, rich educated class of wives? After
9/11 I was standing in the store reading a book by a U.S. lady who married into
the Bin Laden family. One day she phoned other Arab wives, one at a time,
trying to arrange a birthday party for a child. Each one turned her down, with
the last one saying something like, “Isn’t that (birthdays) a Christian thing? Isn’t
Christmas the birthday of Christ?” My impression is that none of the wives had
any gut feeling for science: So they didn’t open-mindedly, sincerely, ask whether
birthdays were Christian. They did not have empirical bones, not enough to feel:
Get the facts, don’t blindly assume, and be open to new facts. My empirical sister
once replied to someone’s opinion, “In God we trust, all others must supply
What are the implications of a
whole country, including the rulers, being without science? Here is my thought experiment: If I am at a public campsite,
next to a creek with floating suds, and the camper in the next tent is a nurse,
and I jab a finger at my first aide kit and I loudly say to her, “This red
cross is religious!” she will reply, “What the—?”and give me a funny look. But she won't tell me I'm wrong. But
if I scientifically ask, humbly seeking data, “Is this religious?” then she
will relax, say “no” and not feel a need to abruptly leave and go look at the
creek. The sad thing, of course, is that in Arabia they don’t have the Red
Cross: They have the Red Crescent. I guess nobody asked.
Here in North America I used to
always read syndicated columnists like Dear Abby and Ann Landers. One day Ms.
Landers had to reply to a common question, “If B.C. means before Christ, and
A.D. means after death, what happens to the missing 33 years?” And Ms. Landers
explained that A.D. means Anno Domini, “year of our Lord.” If many people don’t
know what A.D. is short for, then the reason is our calendar terms have no religious significance. None. Saturday belongs not to
the Roman god Saturn; Thursday belongs not to the Norse god Thor; July belongs
not to the divine emperor Julius Caesar. As
for the Arabs: You guessed it, they failed to ask. I don’t know what they think
about July, but I know some say we should switch to saying B.C.E. and A.C.E. As
in before and after the Common Era. You might think the idea is too crazy to
contemplate, but get this: The Australians, for their school history textbooks, are making the switch.
When I was a boy, I noticed every school
history textbook started out with pictures of the six or seven (they couldn’t
decide) races. From the “Mongolian” race came our old word “Mongoloid,”
now replaced, thank God, by “Down Syndrome.” I don’t believe in the seven races
myself, but you may call me White. If you live down in the States and you learn
I work in the human service, you may think I surely have a bleeding heart. (Actually,
that reasoning doesn’t apply in up in Canada) It's up to you. If you are “anti-elitist,”
whatever that term means to you, you might assume anyone with a blog about
citizenship must be a liberal. And, finally, you might think: If the Arabs are upset from thinking that B.C. and A.D. is religious, then as a “White
bleeding heart liberal” I really “should” be inclined to cry, “Let’s follow the
lead of Australia!” You would be wrong.
I don’t believe in enabling
laziness. Here in North America, if immigrants from Arabia can’t
be bothered to ask, then that is their problem, not mine. In an age when every
small town has a public library—even if it’s open on alternate weekends with
some of the shelves in a caboose—there is just no excuse for not researching,
or at the very least asking your co-workers, your neighbors and yes, your
A recent federal Supreme Court case
is instructive. In Canada, three individual men had their cases heard at once.
They were all long-term residents or landed immigrants. The issue? They each wanted,
due to their conscience, religious or otherwise, to participate in the solemn
swearing-in process to become Canadian citizens without swearing allegiance to the queen. The findings? The learned
judges ruled the men should have found out—even by simply asking around, let
alone doing library research—that the queen does not rule Canada. The verdict? To
become citizens, the three men had to swear to the queen like everybody else.
To me, science means that if
someone says Martians secretly rule the world, or, as the Egyptian ambassador said, that Islam is under attack worldwide—Like
how in the Highlanders, there were always angry rumors (false, I realize now,
in middle age) that the government wanted to take away our kilts—then the
scientific response, as science fiction writer James Hogan taught his little
girls, is to ask three questions: Who said so? Who’s he? How does he know?
If you are a young college student and
your tribal aunts and uncles “won’t let you” ask the three questions, then you have
a responsibility to “give yourself permission” to ask, to walk
away from their don't-ask beliefs. You don’t have to be on campus to do this, although university
is the time and place where it’s easiest. Huckleberry Finn figuratively walked
away from his community’s belief that “my tribe is superior,” back when he was
far too young for university, back when he couldn’t even read.
It feels queer, thinking a lot of
grown men and women lack the responsibility of that boy.
Sean Crawford
~ “Alternate weekends” is when two small
towns share the same library staff.
~Personal growth, walking away from
your old internal culture, is something Steven Pressfield and I have done. His
blog page yesterday (link) concerns internal culture.
~I definitely won’t be posting next
week because I will be concentrating for a fortnight on composing poetry.
Meanwhile, a commenter, Anonymous, has asked me, What one thing would you do if you knew you could not fail? The
latest (August 19) blog posting of Scott Berkun (link) covers that, so maybe next
week you could read him instead of me….
Are there any essays of mine you especially like? I ask, partly because if my essay output decreases, as my poetry and fiction increases, then maybe I could do a similar essay, or post a re-run.
Are there any essays of mine you especially like? I ask, partly because if my essay output decreases, as my poetry and fiction increases, then maybe I could do a similar essay, or post a re-run.
Scott Berkun - read - done. Now what do I do? I'm definately a non-fiction kind of gal, but I look forward to reading your poetry and fiction. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteSome inspiration?
ReplyDeleteRoses are red
Bacon is red
Poems are hard
Why do I find this so funny???
Is it Thursday yet?
ReplyDeleteMy dear Anonymous, thank you for commenting.
ReplyDeleteI am back in the land of the living and, as you can see from my following essay, back to blogging. Cheerio!
science fiction writer James Hogan taught his little girls, is to ask three questions: Who said so? Who’s he? How does he know?
ReplyDeletewhere did you find this about James P. Hogan??
I have been looking a long time to find out where I read this... I thought it was in a Heinlein book though??
ReplyDeleteParton: I see you're ex-army. Prescott is ex-marine. I like him for writing The War of Art, a book so honest he doesn't like public speaking about it to groups.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting. I did a cursory google search:
Sad to see that Hogan is dead. R.I.P.
Sad to see that his two {essays and short storys} collections are no longer advertised. (Then again, my search was cursory, as I got involved in reading Hogan articles)
Back when my nieces were in elementary school (or earlier) I daydreamed of pulling a Hogan by lining them up and saying, "Show up; show up on time; show up ready to work."
Given that my nieces are now living away from home you can imagine how long ago that was, and so I cannot tell you exactly where I read it now. Probably in one of the two above mentioned books. Possibly on a dedication page.
I super-doubt the quote was in a Heinlein book since I am a fan who has read his stuff countless times. By the way, my essay on not being Robert Heinlein, archived October 2014, is on track to be one of my top ten posts by hit count.
It looks like one or more others want to know the quote too, so if you find it, feel free to drop by here and tell folks.